
Key Functionalities

Etherport is a tool for cultural organisations to make more experimental, multi-voiced, and non-linear event reports. By integrating the entire process of creating event reports into one tool, it also helps to standardize your event reporting workflow, reducing production workload and clarifying the role division between author(s) and editor.

Workflow integration: All steps in the creation of an event report, from (real-time collaborative) writing to editing and publishing, are integrated in Etherport.

Hybrid publishing: Publishing an event reports on Etherport generates two versions simultaneously: a web version, and a printable .pdf.

One-click design: Both the web version and .pdf of your publication are automatically designed using a template. (It is possible to create your own template, to match the visual identity of your organisation, in CSS.)

Content labeling: Etherport uses a labeling system that allows readers to engage with the event report in a non-linear way based on theme or type of content. This same feature creates links between reports of different events, which makes it easier to nagivate and activate the event report archive.

Content templates: To accomodate custom serialization, it is possible to create pad templates for different types of reports/publications.

Multi-media content: Etherport supports text, images, audio, videos, and timestamps.

Shared infrastructure: Multiple organisations can use the same instance of Etherport. This shared infrastructure can grow into a shared archive of event reports, in which relations between events from different organisations become visible and navigable.