Linked to 19 items
from: manual (pad)
Publication wizard (button ‘create new publication’ or ‘work on existing publication’) speculation
from: manual (pad)
The publication can be published by generating a static version. In the generation process the content of the reports is read, processed and reordered based on content types and the labels. Once the generation process is finished speculationselect your publication in the view static version dropdown menu to see the result. Click the speculationprinted version link in the publication to get a preview of the printed publication. Press ctrl+p or cmd+p to either print this version, or to store it as a PDF.
from: manual (pad)
Define the structure of your publication speculation
from: manual (pad)
Set the cover of your publication speculation
from: manual (pad)
Styling images speculation
from: manual (pad)
Float on the top of the page speculation
from: manual (pad)
Float at the bottom of the page speculation
from: manual (pad)
Float full screen speculation
from: manual (pad)
Float left speculation
from: manual (pad)
Float right speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Define the structure of your publication speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Set the cover of your publication speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Styling images speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Float on the top of the page speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Float at the bottom of the page speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Float full screen speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Float left speculation
from: Manual for Designers (chapter)
Float right speculation