

On behalf of the Institute of Network Cultures, we would like to thank everyone who participated in Going Hybrid and helped shape the tools, prototypes, experiments, and other research activities. A special thanks goes out to our consortium partners: The Hmm, Hackers & Designers, Varia members Simon Browne and Artemis Gryllaki, MU, IMPAKT, Framer Framed, Willem de Kooning Academy, Anna Maria Michael, Ania Molenda, and Maria van der Togt. We are very happy to have some of you here with us today. This colophon was first published as a spoken statement during the book-event, in which many of the consortium partners participated as author-participants.


Clara Balaguer, Sofia Boschat-Thorez, Arjon Dunnewind, Sepp Eckenhaussen, Roos Groothuizen, Heerko van der Kooij, Ren Loren Britton (MELT), Geert Lovink, Ania Molenda, Aymeric Mansoux, Karl Moubarak, Michael Murtaugh, Margarita Osipian, Carolina Valente Pinto, and Lilian Stolk.


Chloë Arkenbout, Esther Hammelburg, Senka Milutinović, and Jordi Viader Guerrero.

Annotators and reporters

Victor Chaix, Klara Debeljak, Sepp Eckenhaussen, Runs Codol Gonzalez, Haris Latic, and Giulia Timis.

Publication concept and editorial coordination

Sepp Eckenhaussen, Senka Milutinović, Carolina Valente Pinto, and Miriam Rasch.

Event and livestream production

Tommaso Campagna, Erica Gargaglione, Karl Moubarak, Carolina Valente Pinto, Giulia Timis, and Marco Wessels.

Livestream background design

Giulia Timis.

Post-production and editing

Ray Dolitsay, Sepp Eckenhaussen, Senka Milutinović, and Carolina Valente Pinto.

Copy editing

Ying-Tzu Lin.

Development of publication tool Etherport

Gijs de Heij (Open Source Publishing).


Paul Bille and Lukas Engelhardt.

Printing and binding

GPS Group, Slovenia.


Published by the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, in 2024.
ISBN: 978-90-834125-0-4


This publication is supported by Regieorgaan SIA and the Amsterdam University of Applied Science.

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