
Going Hybrid Events & Publications

In this section, you will find a chronological overview of all events that took place in the context of Going Hybrid, as well as a chronological overview of publications that were published in the context of Going Hybrid.


28 April 2022: The Hmm @ 4 Locations was an experimental program that took place simultaneously in Waag (Amsterdam), Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam), MU (Eindhoven), and IMPAKT (Utrecht). The aim was to create an athmosphere of hybrid togetherness. Watch back:

21 September 2022: International Art & Wine Tasting Event took place at IMPAKT (Utrecht) and six other locations around Europe. Read a report by Andrej Kapor on the INC blog:

13 September - 25 October 2022: the series of three workshops New Ways of Reading: Publishing Experiments for All, organized by Ania Molenda and Andrea Prins, took place at Varia (Rotterdam) and Framer Framed (Amsterdam). Chapter 6 of this publication is Ania’s report of New Ways of Reading.

26 November 2022: the workshop Emoji Proxis & Ghost Messengers was organised by The Hmm and Hackers & Designers at Page Not Found (The Hague). During this event, the prototype tool of the Interactive Livecasting research group was tested and developed. Read more:

23 February 2023: Across Access Autonomy was organised by Carolina Pinto at Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam). The program explored future pathways for hybrid culture, and included a workshop from the Hybrid Publications group of Going Hybrid. Read more:

9-10 March 2023: In-Between Media: Hybrid Tactics in the Crisis Era was the mid-project conference of Going Hybrid, organized by the INC. A first day of lectures and roundtables took place at Spui25 (Amsterdam). On the second day, at Framer Framed (Amsterdam), we hosted expert sessions, workshops, and a closing plenary session. Watch back and read reports:

19 April 2023: The Hmm @ Tolhuistuin (Amsterdam) was a program on the topic of non-visual internet culture, exploring alt-text as poetry, radio gardens, generative podcasts, and more. Listen back:

5 May 2023: the exhibition Hybrid Tales for Hybrid Times opened to celebrate 25 years of MU Hybrid Art House (Eindhoven). As part of this exhibition, MUMORIES was presented: the living archive tool developed by the Living Archives research group of Going Hybrid. Read more:

21 may 2023: the hybrid, interactive game Project Stargaze by artists Roos Groothuizen and Derk Over took place at IMPAKT (Utrecht). Read Ray Dolitsay’s report on the INC blog:

31 May 2023: The Great Idle, an interactive performance game by Benjamin Pompe, took place at IMPAKT (Utrecht). Read Carolian Pinto’s report on the INC blog:

20-21 June 2023: INC participated in MozFest 2023 (Amsterdam). Read Carolina Pinto’s a report on the INC blog:]]

4 October 2023: the radio program Living Archives TALKSHOP was broadcast by RaRaRadio (Rotterdam). In this program, the Living Archives research group discussed their findings with each others and guests. Listen back:

21-29 October 2023: during Dutch Design Week 2023 (Eindhoven), the results were presented of two aligned projects led by Going Hybrid partners. Framer Framed presented The New Social: Hybrid Strategies for Cultural Spaces (see: and The Hmm, Affect Lab and Mu presented the Toolkit for the In-Between (see:

10 November 2023: the live-publication Screentime Airtime Facetime took place at the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam). You are currently reading the result, but you can also watch back the original livestream:


From July to December 2021, The Hmm published six texts in The Hmm Dossier #8: Hybrid Events, including reports of experiments with digital livestreams, interviews with experts, and more. ‘The Hmm Dossier #8: Hybrid Events’, The Hmm, 2021,

In March of 2022, Geert Lovink and Sepp Eckenhaussen were interviewed by Witte Rook about hybrid culture, NFTs, and basic income. Esther van Rosmalen and Roelina Aukema, ‘Entrepot: Institute of Network Cultures’, Witte Rook, 22 March 2022,

For the Going Hybrid blog, the artist duo Labor Neunzehn wrote Reframe the Network, outlining the philosophical and technical background that informs the architecture of our web-based project All Sources Are Broken. Labor Neunzehn, ‘Reframe the Network: Parallel Narratives and Media Obsolescence as Post-Digital Publishing Practice,’ Institute of Network Cultures, 12 October 2022,

During one of it’s design sprint days, the Hybrid Publications research group of Going Hybrid created the Minizine: Elements of the Conversation Starter, which maps out the types of content that make a cultural event report worthwile. Minizine: Elements of the Conversation Starter (Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 14 November 2022),

Reporting on the first activities of the Participatory Livecasting research group, Clara Balaguer created the audio-text hybrid publication Please Turn the Page - ‘an abridged and imperfect transcript of multiple meetings’. Clara Balaguer, ‘Please Turn the Page’, Institute of Network Cultures, 15 March 2023,

During the Going Hybrid conference In-Between Media: Hybrid Tactics in the Crisis Era (9-10 March 2023), a team of reporters including Kate Babin, Victor Chaix, Senka Milutinović, Jordi Viader Guerrero, Ray Dolitsay, Jasmin Leech, Valeria Ferrari, and Dunja Nešović documented the program, resulting in a conference report. ‘In-Between Media Conference Report Collection (Videos and Text)’, Institute of Network Cultures, 11 April 2023,

Ashley Maum and Ebissé Wakjira, who participated in the Hybrid Publications group on behalf of Framer Framed, recorded the Framer Framed Podcast: A Deep Dive into Cultural Publishing. Ashley Maum and Ebissé Wakjira, ‘Framer Framed Podcast: A Deep Dive into Cultural Publishing’, Framer Framed & Institute of Network Cultures, 11 September 2023,

In October 2023, The Hmm, MU, and affect lab launched the Toolkit for the In-between, an online space full of experimental experiences, examples, and knowledge about hybrid events. This digital toolkit is the result of an aligned research project. Explore the toolkit:

On the 4th of October 2023, the Living Archives research group discussed their findings with each others and guests during the live radio broadcast Living Archives TALKSHOP on RaRaRadio. Listen back:

The UKRAiNATV Manifesto (also called Hopecore Manifesto, Green-Pink Manifesto, Stream Art Manifesto and Manifesto of Hyperactivities) was published on the 5th of October 2023. Read the UKRAiNATV Manifesto:

In December 2023, the Institute of Network Cultures published the THE VOID (T.V.) Teletext, a manifesto that imagines new media infrastructures for political communication and hybrid togetherness, and sets stage for future expanded publishing reseach at INC. Read THE VOID (T.V.) Teletext:

In 2024, Aymeric Mansoux and Clara Balaguer will be publishing Can You Hear Me? (For the Record), a quasi-fictional but totally plausible train of conversation on infrastructures, paradigms, and subjective histories of hybridity. An excerpt-turned-video of the booklet was published in Screentime Airtime Facetime under the title ‘Hybrid Trains of Thought’. Download a gallery copy of Can You Hear Me? (For the Record):

Screentime Airtime Facetime, the publication you are interacting with right now, is the final published outcome of the Going Hybrid project.