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from: Clusterduck (chapter)
(00:10:40) - I would say my main reference before starting working with Clusterduck were of course referencesSalvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico and <>Les Liens Invisibles, all the kinds of cross-mailing list, cross-platform communities in Italy at the time, but through Clusterduck we collaborated with referencesFranco Neva Mattes, a lot of other artists that were part of a common network when we started, but I’m sure any one of us had different kinds of connection and bonds to different scenes of the Internet. One of the things that brought us together was indeed to research and look at these different clusters of the web how they connected and overlapped sometimes and in which spaces were taking place. The matter of publishing or going public and the connection that this creates was a big part of our references at the beginning. I don’t know if Noel or Silvia want to add to that.